22 Mar 2011

Tues-diy, dress

I bought this dress in a second-hand shop last year, the thing I fell for was the bold pattern. I started some serious remaking and came up with something wearable and cute!

First a couple of before photos:

Not something you would like to wear? Me neither.

Then the big cut and sew adventure started, it's not the first of this kind of dresses/cleaning smocks I have re-sown

I chose a baby-doll look, i measured myself from my shoulders and to right under my breast's, a couple of centimetres seam allowance and snip snip.  

How to cut off sleeves without losing to much fabric.

 You have to cut of the sleeves before fitting the top, it gets weird and clumsy if you don't.

Fitted, it can be a bit hard to fit stuff to yourself, if you can get help get it! 
I made the shoulders narrower with pleats, you can choose to just cut of excess fabric depends on what kind of look you're going for.

There is a big hole where I didn't take any pictures, but the finishing steps was:
  1. Adding the sleeves again, pleating them at the shoulders (the armhole became smaller after the fitting) that gave them a puffy look.
  2. Drawing and painting the anchor on the skirt (important, I did this before sewing the skirt and top part together, SO much easier)
  3. Adding the skirt, making sure it started where I wanted (right under the boobies ^_^).
  4. Making a belt  of the residue fabric.

Who's pale? I don't know what my camera did, but I kinda like it!

In a more normal light.